Thursday, December 16, 2010

‘Tis the season

I live in a festive neighborhood.  These people go all out.  Not over-the-top, in-your-face Griswold all out, but in a pleasant way.  A cheery way.  A way that brings a  smile to your face as you drive those last few minutes home, even though you’ve been sitting in traffic for too long.

So, with all this Christmasy joy these people are bringing to my evenings, it would only be right for me to reciprocate, and put up some twinkling lights of my own.  Alas, it is not to be.  And not because the magic of the season doesn’t live in my heart, because it absolutely does.  Just not in my actions.

This year, despite the boxes of Christmas finery tucked neatly away in my garage, I traded in Christmas lights for chrome.  Gave up putting out Santa, in favor of putting up a new shower.  The time usually spent decorating the tree got transitioned to choosing marble and faucets and tile.  Next year, though, I’ll be sure to keep renovations to the pre-December months, and devote myself to decorating my house.  So it too will bring a smile to the faces of my neighbors.  Instead of just to mine.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Full speed ahead

I’m oh-so-close to the finish line.  The master bath is almost completely done, with just a few small finishing touches left.  But the shower doors that didn’t exist last week are now in, and the super shiny chrome towel bars are a great replacement for the dining room chair I was using as a stand in.  It truly is the space I envisioned.

The smaller bathroom is coming along quickly.  The vanity is in, and it is a huge improvement on the 1989 cabinet it replaced.  The light switch has been moved to another wall, which impresses me tremendously that you can just change up the location of such a thing.  (The fact that I’m impressed is a perfect piece of evidence for why I would never try to tackle electrical work…)  Now, just waiting for the piece of marble I picked out over the weekend to be cut and installed.

Then it will be time to gather all the accessories!  All the nailed down stuff looks great, but decorating will be the final touch.  I’ll get rid of the hodge-podge of towel and bathmat colors that worked for the old bathrooms, and go with something entirely new.  Any votes for the new colors?

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I got home from my Thanksgiving vacation, and was welcomed to a few unexpected things.  I walked into my master bath, and it was nearly complete.  Faucets in, doors on the cabinets, and a shower head installed.  So, mostly complete, but not quite there.  Still a little difficult to take a shower with no shower doors.  Not a concern, as I had a fully functional second bathroom.  The one I’ve been using while the first was being renovated.  And here’s where the bigger surprise came in…

That smaller bathroom?  Completely demoed.  Which was completely unexpected.  Because the contractor and I had agreed (oh so many times) that we wouldn’t take the second out of commission until the first was complete.

But, being undaunted by this unanticipated bit of exuberance to plow ahead on the part of my contractor, I threw up a temporary shower curtain, brought a dining chair into my bedroom to use as a towel rack, and hopped in the shower.  Where I resolved to put all future agreements in writing…

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


With six full days of work done on the master bathroom renovation, I have so much to be thankful for.  I am grateful that all the horror stories you hear about contractors not showing up, and being unresponsive, are mere fiction in my world.  Appreciative that all the elements I picked out one by one, rather than in unison with one another, are coming together very nicely.

I’m perfectly pleased with the custom-made (in the USA!) vanities and linen cabinet.  Custom style, custom color, and of sizes that could not be found anywhere.  You never know if reality will live up to the imagination.  But it has.  In fine form.  They’re gorgeous, and are just what I was hoping for.  And most of all, truly and utterly thrilled at how quickly it’s all coming along.  Each day, amazing progress is made.

And thankful that a friend who has been house hunting for quite awhile finally has keys in hand to her new home.  Everything always works out in the end.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A blank canvas

Tuesday morning, I had a fully intact master bathroom.  When I got home from work, I was greeted by an empty room.  Save a couple of pipes sticking out of the walls, there was nothing left.  Nothing but space.  Space for all the wonderful new things I’ve diligently been picking out for the last few months.

It’s hard to believe, after the many meetings with the contractor, the cabinet maker, the stone yard owner, and various other purveyors of bathroom-related goods, the time for putting it all together has arrived.  So with all the old stuff gone (and anything salvageable donated to charities, of course), I’m left only with dreams.  Visions of the completed, modern, much more functional bathroom.

And just as you would use a true blank canvas, this one will also be splashed with a little paint.  I’ve got a few choices up on the wall, and a couple of days to decide.

Friday, November 12, 2010

All the ingredients

I have a garage chock full of goodies.  From tile (for both shower and floor) to sinks, from faucets to lighting fixtures.  And even a rather weighty cast-iron tub.  So once the vanities and counter tops are delivered, I am ready to go.  And boy am I ready.  After many moons of meeting with contractors, searching out the many stores, big and small, that contained all things bathroom, and scouring the Internet for the very best deals, I am done with this phase, and am eager to move on to the next.  It’s been a blast picking out the myriad pieces, making sure each was just what I’d been envisioning.  But now it’s time for phase two – the take a sledgehammer and a crowbar to it, get the dust flying phase.

But what I’m really, truly ready for?  The finished product.  Which will be fully cooked, and revealed in a mere two weeks.  And I will then feast my senses on the fabulousness of it all.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Going, going…

Gone.  Lowe’s Black Friday Facebook event 90% off coupons were gone almost as soon as they were available.  Like 60,000 other home owners eager to score a mega discount, I waited fervently for the code to be revealed, and jumped on their homepage in a quest to be one of the lucky few.  Whether the goal is a major or minor renovation, getting 90% off would be amazing!

Unfortunately for me, all the other enthusiastic participants, and most of all, Lowe’s, the jubilation was a little too much for their system to handle.  We crashed their site promptly and summarily.  They sent assurances that although there was significant advance preparation, the response was well above what they would have expected.  I’m guessing there will be some pretty lively meetings taking place today.  But to make it up to all the forlorn customers who weren’t one of the fortunate few, a promise has been made that more discounts will be offered throughout the weekend.

It’s a fantastic idea, and it’d be great forother retailers to follow suit (with better preparation, of course).  Because at the rate I’m buying things for my bathroom renovation, every little bit helps.  Home Depot, the gauntlet has been thrown down!

Friday, October 29, 2010

No looking back

Well, maybe a little.  I walked past a couple of houses this morning that were in the running during the house hunt.  And there was not an ounce of longing or regret.  One, a short sale, is still bedecked with a ‘for sale’ sign.  The other, a foreclosure, looks happily lived in.  As much effort as I put into working toward a purchase on the first one, I am extremely grateful it didn’t work out.

The one that did, the darling house I’m living in now, was the one for me.  It’s not too big, not too small.  It’s 10 minutes from the ocean.  It’s close to everything, but still in a very quiet neighborhood.  It’s just right.

So for those of you still house hunting, know that the right house for you is out there too.  (After a year and a half of looking, and a half dozen offers made, I was starting to wonder.)  If you’re diligently working on purchasing a home, and the banks are taking their sweet time, keep looking.  I’m thrilled I did.

And each morning, as I walk along the trail near my home, I am rewarded with a breathtaking sunrise.  Doesn’t get much better than that.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Doing my part to boost the economic recovery

Over the last week, I’ve been doing some serious shopping.  Some credit card melting, major mile earning shopping.  I have picked up a slab of marble (who knew a short time ago that I would ever be the owner of such a thing?!?), light fixtures, a sink, medicine cabinets, tile, custom vanities, a TV stand/entertainment center, and last but not least, a dining room rug.  Yep, you guessed it, the bathroom renovation is getting ever-closer, and the decorating continues.

Now, I’ve been picking out these pieces one at a time, without carrying around samples of each, like I was instructed by oh-so-many people.  But I have a vision of this beautiful, modern-but-not-too-modern bathroom, and I truly believe it’s all going to come together in a fabulous way.  Because I like each piece.  Individually, each one is great.  Ergo, they will be great together.  At least, that’s what I’m keeping my fingers crossed for…

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Great Pumpkin Festival

Early each morning, I step out my front door, and head to a nearby trail for some pre-work exercise.  It’s one of the great things about my new house – the proximity to a number of great hiking trails.  But, since my neighborhood borders a popular commuting route, a section of my morning walk is generally a bit noisy.  (Nothing that cranking the volume on my iPod can’t handle!)

But, this particular morning, it was calm and quiet.  The road has been closed in preparation for this weekend’s Pumpkin Festival.  I’ve never really lived in a suburban neighborhood, so little local fairs right in my own backyard, a mere short walk away, are a new thing for me.  Although my curiosity will have to wait to be allayed, since I won’t be able to participate in the opening festivities on Saturday.

Nope, my Saturday will be bustling with a cornucopia of homeowner activities.  The new bed is getting delivered first thing, and my bedroom décor will be that much closer to complete.  Then, it’s off to the stone yard to pick out bathroom countertops with my contractor.  And I think for the trip to Lowe’s to pick out faucets, I’ll be flying solo.

But Sunday, I’m definitely going to the fair.  Taking a break from decorating and renovating, and eating high-calorie, high-fun fair food.  Ooh, I hope they have funnel cake…

Thursday, October 7, 2010


After well over a year of house hunting, then several months of the purchasing process, and a few more months of diligently searching out contractors, it was time for a break.  A little time off from analyzing cabinet colors.  A breather from furniture shopping.  And the complete dismissal of thoughts of how much is this all going to cost?!

Where does one go to get away from it all?  The magnificent, breathtaking Yosemite National Park.  Gazing up at the unyielding granite walls of the valley erased all thoughts of granite countertops.  Being surrounded by towering sequoias made me forget all about cabinets.  I was surrounded by such ancient, amazing beauty, that the beautification of my home took a back seat.  Throw in some sore muscles from a very robust six hour hike to Glacier Point, and booming thunderstorms that went on for days, and the focus shifted fully away from home, and quite completely to where I was.

It was only a few days, but it was a great reminder of how much I love to travel, and how rejuvenating it is.  Ahhh…

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sold! to the lowest bidder

The big decision has been made!  A contractor has been chosen.  Of the half dozen I met with, some of whom took copious measurements, and others who just kind of eyeballed it, this one is definitely the best fit.  He is enthusiastic and has great ideas, but is very open to input.  The previous work he’s done, which I’ve seen both in person and in photos, is great.  And the recommendations of former clients are glowing and effusively positive.  And, best of all, for the cost-conscious renovator (that’s me!), his labor estimate was the lowest, and the contractor’s discount will be shared.

Now, before you shake your head at me, and say, “You get what you pay for…” keep in mind that I’ve now had him over multiple times, and have gotten a good sense of his work ethic and ability.  And I’m impressed on all fronts.  Of course, some of this decision is just pure faith that I’m going with the right person.  I may feel entirely different when he takes a sledgehammer to my cabinets, and the air is filling with tile dust.  At least, that’s what I’ve been forewarned of…  I’ll just have to keep reminding myself how beautiful it’ll be when it’s all done.  And how nice it’ll be to no longer be stuck in the 80s.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happily ensconced

The new furniture has arrived!  And it is beautiful.  And big.  Actually, it’s massive.  If Vikings descended upon my home in an impromptu invasion, I could build a fort out of this stuff, and it would be impenetrable.  Not only are the dresser and chest wider and taller than most I’ve seen, the bedside tables are pretty substantial as well.  These are all meaty, solid wood behemoths that are certainly claiming their place in my bedroom.

Now, to purchase the bed.  I found a lovely one, with a very simple, curved wood headboard.  My hope is that once it’s in place, the other pieces don’t bully it and make it feel (and look) small.  But being as it will get the most attention (I will be giving it my undivided attention for eight hours a day, after all), I have confidence it will stand up for itself, knowing that although it may be different from the others, I won’t love it any less.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

DIY may be in my future

I’m fairly handy.  I’ve replaced quite a few doorknobs (a bevy of roommates through the years required locks to be changed after each departure).  I’ve refinished furniture.  And I’ve painted multiple rooms, including a kitchen ceiling.  (I could barely hack a mere few hours of craning backward as I painted above me.  The breathtaking masterpiece that is the Sistine Chapel ceiling is of course an incomparable achievement.  How you were able to endure four years of it is beyond me,  Michelangelo.  I guess that devotion is part of what separates geniuses from mere mortals…)   But breaking up tile, pulling out cabinets, removing a wall-length mirror, and unwiring a massive flourescent light fixture?  Those sound like pretty involved activities, and ones where I may very well do more harm than good.  And so I contacted the professionals.  I tracked them down at a home show.  I asked friends and colleagues for referals.  They came to my house one by one.  And then they sent their estimates for  materials and labor.

The ability to speak the English language pretty much left me at that point.  And the sound of the ocean’s rushing waves filled my ears.  Huh?  What?  They did not seem to understand that this was a little bitty house, and not one of the very large ones in the near vicinity.  That as much as I adore my very first house, if I spent what they were proposing, it would be my one and only house ever.  Call me a dreamer, but someday, years down the road, I may just have a hankering to live elsewhere.  And it would be delightful if that was an option at that point.

Or, very possibly, I’m the one who does not understand.  That the masterpiece they will create for me is well worth every glowing penny.  The gleaming cabinets, sparkling countertops, and twinkling lights will be a worthwhile substitute.  To ever travelling anywhere again, or to eating food other than rice and beans.  Then again, maybe not.  So, I may just have to get that toolbelt ready, pull out a sledgehammer and a power drill, and DIM (do it myself).  Or, at least some of it…

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A divine design of my very own

I love the input of dedicated designers, and creative contractors, and have greatly appreciated my conversations with them. They have great ideas, and certainly years and years of experience. So, though I may not be the next house featured on HGTV’s Divine Design (yep, one of the many shows I watch far too frequently), I am determined to have a divine design of my very own. Beautiful cabinets to replace the low-budget ones installed in the late ‘80s. Gorgeous countertops (marble, granite, ??) instead of plain old tile and whatever the heck that material is in the bathroom. Adios, fluorescent lighting. Sayonara, blah floors. I’m going glam!

I have the vision in mind of just what these bathrooms and kitchen will look like. No matter that I didn’t go to design school, and certainly am sans a contractor’s license. I’ve searched through Home Depot, Lowe’s, big stone yards, and small cabinetry stores. Though I haven’t found my dream pieces yet, I’ll know them when I see them. While I may not need a deisgner to pick them out for me, I will definitely need professional help in installing them. And then all that will be left is to find a landscaper who can plant a money tree to pay for it all. So if you know of such a landscaper, they’re hired! Maybe I’ll find one at the home show I’m going to this weekend…

Friday, September 3, 2010

All this time, it was right in my own backyard

That may not be the exact quote from Wizard of Oz, but I think it was something like that. Movie quotes aside, the furniture store that had the elusive pieces I was looking for was right in my backyard. I spent the better part of a day driving ALL over Los Angeles, searching for beautiful furniture. Traffic aside, L.A. is a diverse, fascinating place. So many cultures and languages are represented across the city. Despite the fact that my furniture search was a bust, it was great to check out all the little enclaves. I even got to partake in some fabulous LA cuisine, provided by a fusion food truck that was providentially parked across the street from one of my destinations. Shrimp, and beef, and chicken tacos, oh my! (Had to tell the incredulous chef inside the truck that yes, I really did want three tacos. After a day of traipsing all over the city, my ravenous belly was very demanding…)

Had I only been searching for a red velvet headboard studded with blingy crystal buttons, or white lacquer chairs, I’d have been set. But as my taste trends more to the classic – solid, streamlined, dark wood furniture with clean, simple lines, I was out of luck at the diverse shops, big and small, that I wandered about. But then, the very next day, on my way home from Trader Joe’s, I passed a little place near my house. The windows shouting “going out of business” caught my eye. Not a huge place, but hey, worth swinging by for a quick look. Voila! Eureka! Guess what, Toto! There were the fabulous dressers and night stands. And as a bonus, a very chic little breakfast table for the kitchen. I could hardly believe my good fortune. No matter that the bed that came with the bedroom suite wasn’t quite to taste, and the table didn’t come with chairs. With these few pieces found, ordered, and on their way to my house in 10 business days or less, I’m confident the rest of what I need is right around the corner.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I have a lot to learn

Alas, art does not always imitate life.  Or, TV does not mirror reality.  Of course, I know this.  But HGTV suckered me with their fabulous half hour shows, where everything gets wrapped up neatly at the end.  With very little drama.  And with projects that don’t break the bank.

Being a newbie homeowner, I’ve come to find out I have much to learn.  During years of being a rent-controlled apartment dweller, how to fix, upgrade, or renovate, and what those things cost, were not things I knew.  But I’m learning.  Watching yet more HGTV.  Taking lots of trips to Home Depot and the Do It Center.   And having conversations with costly contractors and divine designers.  A whole new, fascinating world is opening up to me.