Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sold! to the lowest bidder

The big decision has been made!  A contractor has been chosen.  Of the half dozen I met with, some of whom took copious measurements, and others who just kind of eyeballed it, this one is definitely the best fit.  He is enthusiastic and has great ideas, but is very open to input.  The previous work he’s done, which I’ve seen both in person and in photos, is great.  And the recommendations of former clients are glowing and effusively positive.  And, best of all, for the cost-conscious renovator (that’s me!), his labor estimate was the lowest, and the contractor’s discount will be shared.

Now, before you shake your head at me, and say, “You get what you pay for…” keep in mind that I’ve now had him over multiple times, and have gotten a good sense of his work ethic and ability.  And I’m impressed on all fronts.  Of course, some of this decision is just pure faith that I’m going with the right person.  I may feel entirely different when he takes a sledgehammer to my cabinets, and the air is filling with tile dust.  At least, that’s what I’ve been forewarned of…  I’ll just have to keep reminding myself how beautiful it’ll be when it’s all done.  And how nice it’ll be to no longer be stuck in the 80s.

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