Friday, September 3, 2010

All this time, it was right in my own backyard

That may not be the exact quote from Wizard of Oz, but I think it was something like that. Movie quotes aside, the furniture store that had the elusive pieces I was looking for was right in my backyard. I spent the better part of a day driving ALL over Los Angeles, searching for beautiful furniture. Traffic aside, L.A. is a diverse, fascinating place. So many cultures and languages are represented across the city. Despite the fact that my furniture search was a bust, it was great to check out all the little enclaves. I even got to partake in some fabulous LA cuisine, provided by a fusion food truck that was providentially parked across the street from one of my destinations. Shrimp, and beef, and chicken tacos, oh my! (Had to tell the incredulous chef inside the truck that yes, I really did want three tacos. After a day of traipsing all over the city, my ravenous belly was very demanding…)

Had I only been searching for a red velvet headboard studded with blingy crystal buttons, or white lacquer chairs, I’d have been set. But as my taste trends more to the classic – solid, streamlined, dark wood furniture with clean, simple lines, I was out of luck at the diverse shops, big and small, that I wandered about. But then, the very next day, on my way home from Trader Joe’s, I passed a little place near my house. The windows shouting “going out of business” caught my eye. Not a huge place, but hey, worth swinging by for a quick look. Voila! Eureka! Guess what, Toto! There were the fabulous dressers and night stands. And as a bonus, a very chic little breakfast table for the kitchen. I could hardly believe my good fortune. No matter that the bed that came with the bedroom suite wasn’t quite to taste, and the table didn’t come with chairs. With these few pieces found, ordered, and on their way to my house in 10 business days or less, I’m confident the rest of what I need is right around the corner.

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