Friday, November 5, 2010

Going, going…

Gone.  Lowe’s Black Friday Facebook event 90% off coupons were gone almost as soon as they were available.  Like 60,000 other home owners eager to score a mega discount, I waited fervently for the code to be revealed, and jumped on their homepage in a quest to be one of the lucky few.  Whether the goal is a major or minor renovation, getting 90% off would be amazing!

Unfortunately for me, all the other enthusiastic participants, and most of all, Lowe’s, the jubilation was a little too much for their system to handle.  We crashed their site promptly and summarily.  They sent assurances that although there was significant advance preparation, the response was well above what they would have expected.  I’m guessing there will be some pretty lively meetings taking place today.  But to make it up to all the forlorn customers who weren’t one of the fortunate few, a promise has been made that more discounts will be offered throughout the weekend.

It’s a fantastic idea, and it’d be great forother retailers to follow suit (with better preparation, of course).  Because at the rate I’m buying things for my bathroom renovation, every little bit helps.  Home Depot, the gauntlet has been thrown down!

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