Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sold! to the lowest bidder

The big decision has been made!  A contractor has been chosen.  Of the half dozen I met with, some of whom took copious measurements, and others who just kind of eyeballed it, this one is definitely the best fit.  He is enthusiastic and has great ideas, but is very open to input.  The previous work he’s done, which I’ve seen both in person and in photos, is great.  And the recommendations of former clients are glowing and effusively positive.  And, best of all, for the cost-conscious renovator (that’s me!), his labor estimate was the lowest, and the contractor’s discount will be shared.

Now, before you shake your head at me, and say, “You get what you pay for…” keep in mind that I’ve now had him over multiple times, and have gotten a good sense of his work ethic and ability.  And I’m impressed on all fronts.  Of course, some of this decision is just pure faith that I’m going with the right person.  I may feel entirely different when he takes a sledgehammer to my cabinets, and the air is filling with tile dust.  At least, that’s what I’ve been forewarned of…  I’ll just have to keep reminding myself how beautiful it’ll be when it’s all done.  And how nice it’ll be to no longer be stuck in the 80s.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happily ensconced

The new furniture has arrived!  And it is beautiful.  And big.  Actually, it’s massive.  If Vikings descended upon my home in an impromptu invasion, I could build a fort out of this stuff, and it would be impenetrable.  Not only are the dresser and chest wider and taller than most I’ve seen, the bedside tables are pretty substantial as well.  These are all meaty, solid wood behemoths that are certainly claiming their place in my bedroom.

Now, to purchase the bed.  I found a lovely one, with a very simple, curved wood headboard.  My hope is that once it’s in place, the other pieces don’t bully it and make it feel (and look) small.  But being as it will get the most attention (I will be giving it my undivided attention for eight hours a day, after all), I have confidence it will stand up for itself, knowing that although it may be different from the others, I won’t love it any less.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

DIY may be in my future

I’m fairly handy.  I’ve replaced quite a few doorknobs (a bevy of roommates through the years required locks to be changed after each departure).  I’ve refinished furniture.  And I’ve painted multiple rooms, including a kitchen ceiling.  (I could barely hack a mere few hours of craning backward as I painted above me.  The breathtaking masterpiece that is the Sistine Chapel ceiling is of course an incomparable achievement.  How you were able to endure four years of it is beyond me,  Michelangelo.  I guess that devotion is part of what separates geniuses from mere mortals…)   But breaking up tile, pulling out cabinets, removing a wall-length mirror, and unwiring a massive flourescent light fixture?  Those sound like pretty involved activities, and ones where I may very well do more harm than good.  And so I contacted the professionals.  I tracked them down at a home show.  I asked friends and colleagues for referals.  They came to my house one by one.  And then they sent their estimates for  materials and labor.

The ability to speak the English language pretty much left me at that point.  And the sound of the ocean’s rushing waves filled my ears.  Huh?  What?  They did not seem to understand that this was a little bitty house, and not one of the very large ones in the near vicinity.  That as much as I adore my very first house, if I spent what they were proposing, it would be my one and only house ever.  Call me a dreamer, but someday, years down the road, I may just have a hankering to live elsewhere.  And it would be delightful if that was an option at that point.

Or, very possibly, I’m the one who does not understand.  That the masterpiece they will create for me is well worth every glowing penny.  The gleaming cabinets, sparkling countertops, and twinkling lights will be a worthwhile substitute.  To ever travelling anywhere again, or to eating food other than rice and beans.  Then again, maybe not.  So, I may just have to get that toolbelt ready, pull out a sledgehammer and a power drill, and DIM (do it myself).  Or, at least some of it…

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A divine design of my very own

I love the input of dedicated designers, and creative contractors, and have greatly appreciated my conversations with them. They have great ideas, and certainly years and years of experience. So, though I may not be the next house featured on HGTV’s Divine Design (yep, one of the many shows I watch far too frequently), I am determined to have a divine design of my very own. Beautiful cabinets to replace the low-budget ones installed in the late ‘80s. Gorgeous countertops (marble, granite, ??) instead of plain old tile and whatever the heck that material is in the bathroom. Adios, fluorescent lighting. Sayonara, blah floors. I’m going glam!

I have the vision in mind of just what these bathrooms and kitchen will look like. No matter that I didn’t go to design school, and certainly am sans a contractor’s license. I’ve searched through Home Depot, Lowe’s, big stone yards, and small cabinetry stores. Though I haven’t found my dream pieces yet, I’ll know them when I see them. While I may not need a deisgner to pick them out for me, I will definitely need professional help in installing them. And then all that will be left is to find a landscaper who can plant a money tree to pay for it all. So if you know of such a landscaper, they’re hired! Maybe I’ll find one at the home show I’m going to this weekend…

Friday, September 3, 2010

All this time, it was right in my own backyard

That may not be the exact quote from Wizard of Oz, but I think it was something like that. Movie quotes aside, the furniture store that had the elusive pieces I was looking for was right in my backyard. I spent the better part of a day driving ALL over Los Angeles, searching for beautiful furniture. Traffic aside, L.A. is a diverse, fascinating place. So many cultures and languages are represented across the city. Despite the fact that my furniture search was a bust, it was great to check out all the little enclaves. I even got to partake in some fabulous LA cuisine, provided by a fusion food truck that was providentially parked across the street from one of my destinations. Shrimp, and beef, and chicken tacos, oh my! (Had to tell the incredulous chef inside the truck that yes, I really did want three tacos. After a day of traipsing all over the city, my ravenous belly was very demanding…)

Had I only been searching for a red velvet headboard studded with blingy crystal buttons, or white lacquer chairs, I’d have been set. But as my taste trends more to the classic – solid, streamlined, dark wood furniture with clean, simple lines, I was out of luck at the diverse shops, big and small, that I wandered about. But then, the very next day, on my way home from Trader Joe’s, I passed a little place near my house. The windows shouting “going out of business” caught my eye. Not a huge place, but hey, worth swinging by for a quick look. Voila! Eureka! Guess what, Toto! There were the fabulous dressers and night stands. And as a bonus, a very chic little breakfast table for the kitchen. I could hardly believe my good fortune. No matter that the bed that came with the bedroom suite wasn’t quite to taste, and the table didn’t come with chairs. With these few pieces found, ordered, and on their way to my house in 10 business days or less, I’m confident the rest of what I need is right around the corner.