Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Spring is a time for all things new.  New birds, bugs, and blossoms abound.  Everywhere you look, life is bursting forth.  The drab leafless trees now have budding leaves.  Bright and cheery flowers are reaching their way out of the ground.  And baby animals are exploring their recently discovered surroundings.

All this rejuvenation has inspired me to get back into the renovation game.  After my very first one (the renovation of the bathrooms), I needed a break.  A little down time where I didn’t spend every weekend at home improvement stores.  After re-focusing on just enjoying my place, rather than ripping it up, I’m ready to begin again.  But ah, where to start?  A sparkly new kitchen, with shiny new appliances?  A gleaming hardwood floor?  Or all new landscaping, where drought tolerant plants and flowers abound?  Decisions, decisions…

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