Friday, October 29, 2010

No looking back

Well, maybe a little.  I walked past a couple of houses this morning that were in the running during the house hunt.  And there was not an ounce of longing or regret.  One, a short sale, is still bedecked with a ‘for sale’ sign.  The other, a foreclosure, looks happily lived in.  As much effort as I put into working toward a purchase on the first one, I am extremely grateful it didn’t work out.

The one that did, the darling house I’m living in now, was the one for me.  It’s not too big, not too small.  It’s 10 minutes from the ocean.  It’s close to everything, but still in a very quiet neighborhood.  It’s just right.

So for those of you still house hunting, know that the right house for you is out there too.  (After a year and a half of looking, and a half dozen offers made, I was starting to wonder.)  If you’re diligently working on purchasing a home, and the banks are taking their sweet time, keep looking.  I’m thrilled I did.

And each morning, as I walk along the trail near my home, I am rewarded with a breathtaking sunrise.  Doesn’t get much better than that.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Doing my part to boost the economic recovery

Over the last week, I’ve been doing some serious shopping.  Some credit card melting, major mile earning shopping.  I have picked up a slab of marble (who knew a short time ago that I would ever be the owner of such a thing?!?), light fixtures, a sink, medicine cabinets, tile, custom vanities, a TV stand/entertainment center, and last but not least, a dining room rug.  Yep, you guessed it, the bathroom renovation is getting ever-closer, and the decorating continues.

Now, I’ve been picking out these pieces one at a time, without carrying around samples of each, like I was instructed by oh-so-many people.  But I have a vision of this beautiful, modern-but-not-too-modern bathroom, and I truly believe it’s all going to come together in a fabulous way.  Because I like each piece.  Individually, each one is great.  Ergo, they will be great together.  At least, that’s what I’m keeping my fingers crossed for…

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Great Pumpkin Festival

Early each morning, I step out my front door, and head to a nearby trail for some pre-work exercise.  It’s one of the great things about my new house – the proximity to a number of great hiking trails.  But, since my neighborhood borders a popular commuting route, a section of my morning walk is generally a bit noisy.  (Nothing that cranking the volume on my iPod can’t handle!)

But, this particular morning, it was calm and quiet.  The road has been closed in preparation for this weekend’s Pumpkin Festival.  I’ve never really lived in a suburban neighborhood, so little local fairs right in my own backyard, a mere short walk away, are a new thing for me.  Although my curiosity will have to wait to be allayed, since I won’t be able to participate in the opening festivities on Saturday.

Nope, my Saturday will be bustling with a cornucopia of homeowner activities.  The new bed is getting delivered first thing, and my bedroom décor will be that much closer to complete.  Then, it’s off to the stone yard to pick out bathroom countertops with my contractor.  And I think for the trip to Lowe’s to pick out faucets, I’ll be flying solo.

But Sunday, I’m definitely going to the fair.  Taking a break from decorating and renovating, and eating high-calorie, high-fun fair food.  Ooh, I hope they have funnel cake…

Thursday, October 7, 2010


After well over a year of house hunting, then several months of the purchasing process, and a few more months of diligently searching out contractors, it was time for a break.  A little time off from analyzing cabinet colors.  A breather from furniture shopping.  And the complete dismissal of thoughts of how much is this all going to cost?!

Where does one go to get away from it all?  The magnificent, breathtaking Yosemite National Park.  Gazing up at the unyielding granite walls of the valley erased all thoughts of granite countertops.  Being surrounded by towering sequoias made me forget all about cabinets.  I was surrounded by such ancient, amazing beauty, that the beautification of my home took a back seat.  Throw in some sore muscles from a very robust six hour hike to Glacier Point, and booming thunderstorms that went on for days, and the focus shifted fully away from home, and quite completely to where I was.

It was only a few days, but it was a great reminder of how much I love to travel, and how rejuvenating it is.  Ahhh…